All About Mold

As long as there is food source and appropriate temperature and moisture, molds can be anywhere. They need organic substance to feed themselves. The conditions suitable for mold growth can be found everywhere. And hence molds can be seen prospering literally everywhere. This also hints that possibility of eliminating molds from indoor environment is very difficult if not impossible to say the least.Our experts in the city of Jacksonville, Florida have years of experience in mold testing. Mold testing is a very specialized job as it requires lot of sampling and lab testing. We offer an excellent blend of experience and professionalism to our clients.

We have all the expertise and necessary tools to detect the source of mold formation. We will ensure the problem is fixed from root and doesn’t resurface after remediation is done. We inspect the presence of harmful mold colonies in all types of indoor properties.

Why molds can be everywhere?

Organic materials, which are chief source of food for molds are present everywhere. There is organic content floating in air. It’s present on the dust present on various surfaces. Water also is a rich source of organic content. Some surface like wood is organic in itself. So basically any surface that can exist indoors can provide much need organic materials to aid growth of molds. Next necessity for mold formation is optimum temperature facilitating growth of molds. Even knowing above two facts, it’s almost impossible to prevent mold formation on these lines. We can’t always control organic content and temperature to stop mold growth.

One of the most important reasons that molddevelop indoor is moisture. This is one thing that can be controlled. And often the chief reason for mold formation in houses. Moisture can develop due to multiple reasons. It can surface in the walls due to leakage, prolong rains whichresults in dampening of ceiling, not so good ventilation to facilitate drying, water pipe leakage etc.

Are all molds harmful?

The short answer is no. Not all molds are harmful and not all of us are prone to be affected by molds in same way. Some people will have more sensitivity to mold related allergies than other. Also people with specific illness may become more prone to being effected by molds. It is possible that there situation is aggravated by presence of molds. We will give you our best support in educating about all molds related facts.