Reasons you should get mold inspection done

Molds are unwanted intruders which can pose serious threat to wellbeing of your family. Molds are very small to be seen unaided with naked eyes.  You can see mold presence unaided only when large mold colonies are formed. Even in this case it is wise to consult experts who specialize in mold testing as there still might be unmown hidden mold territories under your roof.

Market is full of mold inspection service provider. If you want an expert to do mold Test, Jacksonville is giving you large number of options. We are the best in class mold inspection service provider in the city of Jacksonville, Florida. We don’t make false claims but our track record will say it loud that we are the best in the industry.

First of all you need to understand when to call an expert mold inspection service.  Below is some top reason to look out for an expert mold inspector. Consider calling experts in following scenarios.

  1. You observe visible signs of mold formation

large colonies of mold can easily be discerned by naked eye. If you observe any kind of discoloration on walls, floor or any other surface, consider calling mold inspector and get the house thoroughly inspected.

  1. An amiss odor

High concentration of mold spores in the air will result in a moldy smell. If you sense some strange odor get the house tested for mold presence.

  1. In the event of having a baby

The little ones will be more sensitive to contaminated air. Studies also point that infants during their first year can have increased risk of developing asthma due to exposure to high concentration of mold spores.

  1. Symptoms of mode spores related allergies

Do you feel burning sensation in eyes, nose and throat? Are you having trouble breathing? Have you noticed sinus congestion, irritability, dizziness, or diarrhea recently in any of your family member? That should ring your bell. Don’t delay calling some expert mold testing service provider and get your house sampled and tested for mold presence.

  1. Buying or selling a property

You don’t want to buy a house and later find that it is infected by molds. Also while selling, getting your property tested for molds will let you know if any remediation is required. If it is free frommolds than you can add something to the asking price.

  1. Leakage or other water  damage

Any recent water damage that has cause dampness can foster the growth of molds